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Gain the knowledge and skills you need to care for clients with mental health disorders! Foundations of Mental Health Care, 8th Edition uses an easy-to-read, multidisciplinary approach to describe the treatment of clients with a wide range of maladaptive behaviors. Ideal for LPN/LVNs and other caregivers, this guide provides concise coverage of issues and principles, therapeutic interventions, mental health problems throughout the lifecycle, and specific psychological and psychosocial conditions. This edition is updated with the latest information on violence, suicide, substance abuse, and more. Written by expert educator Michelle Morrison-Valfre, this resource helps you master skills in mental health assessment, effective communication, and the therapeutic relationship.

  • DSM-5 criteria
  • are used in the descriptions of all mental health disorders.
  • Sample client care plans show how members of the health care team work collaboratively to meet client needs.
  • Case studies provide realistic client scenarios that illustrate chapter concepts and strengthen critical thinking.
  • Therapeutic interventions include multidisciplinary and holistic treatment, medical management, application of the nursing process, and pharmacologic therapy.
  • Critical Thinking boxes contain thought-provoking client issues and questions, helping you develop skills in clinical reasoning.
  • Drug Alert boxes identify the risks and possible adverse reactions of psychotherapeutic medications.
  • Cultural Consideration boxes highlight cultural issues and address the mental health needs of culturally diverse clients.
  • Get Ready for the NCLEX(R) Examination sections include key points, additional learning resources, and NCLEX-PN review questions with answers on the Evolve website, all designed to prepare you for success on classroom and licensure exams.
  • Key terms at the beginning of each chapter introduce difficult medical, nursing, or scientific terms, and include page number references and phonetic pronunciations.
  • Study Guide on the Evolve website reinforces your understanding of important concepts from the text. Included free with textbook purchase.
  • NEW! Next-Generation NCLEX(R) case studies and new format questions
  • help you prepare for success on the NCLEX-PN(R) examination.
  • NEW! Updated coverage keeps you current with the latest issues and approaches to mental health care in the United States, and includes new information on violence, suicide, physical abuse, substance abuse, and schizophrenia.


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    Master the fundamentals of pathophysiology with this concise, easy-to-understand text! Gould's Pathophysiology for the Health Professions, 7th Edition helps you learn basic concepts of disorders and disease processes. Known for its readability and vivid, full-color illustrations, this text describes disorders by body system and includes case studies applying the material to real-life situations. This edition is updated with the latest research and the newest methods of diagnostic testing and treatment. No matter which healthcare field students may enter, this book provides solid preparation for the conditions commonly encountered in clinical practice.

  • UNIQUE! Apply Your Knowledge
  • questions ask you to use what you've learned to predict What can go wrong with this structure or system?, transitioning you from the body's normal anatomy and physiology into its pathophysiology.
  • UNIQUE! Think About questions relate to the text's facts, potential applications, or the integration of concepts, alerting you to important points and helping with self-evaluation, test preparation, and review.
  • Case studies provide realistic, clinical applications of the book's concepts.
  • Format for discussions of individual disorders follows a "building block" approach, making understanding easier with 1) background, 2) pathophysiology, 3) etiology, 4) signs and symptoms, 5) diagnostic tests, 6) complications, and 7) treatment.
  • Concise and readable approach presents the content in a way that doesn't overwhelm the reader and yet familiarizes you with necessary scientific and medical terminology.
  • Hundreds of illustrations clarify and reinforce pathophysiology concepts with photographs, flow charts, and schematic diagrams.
  • NEW!
  • The Bigger Picture bulleted summaries identify other body systems that might be affected by a particular disease or disorder covered in a body system chapter.
  • NEW coverage of COVID-19 is added, as well as new information on other conditions and diseases.
  • NEW diagnostic methods and treatments are covered, describing how these are impacted by digitalization, information technology, and artificial intelligence.
  • NEW! Updated statistics on diseases and their related pathophysiology are included.
  • NEW photographs and illustrations are added.


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    Packed with hands-on learning tools, Tomsho's GUIDE TO NETWORKING ESSENTIALS, Eighth Edition, equips you with the knowledge and skills to work with network infrastructure devices and network operating systems in a small to medium-size network environment. Focusing on troubleshooting and computer networking technologies, it delivers a comprehensive introduction to network protocols and network devices, including wireless and cybersecurity technologies. It reflects the latest networking technologies and operating systems, covers new Ethernet standards, includes an Internet of Things (IoT) chapter and adds certification mapping to the Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA Exam 98-366) in Networking Fundamentals. Maximizing your success, virtual labs and the MindTap digital learning solution give you ample opportunities to put what you learn into practice and prep for the certification test.

    Hartman's Medical Assisting: The Basics - Workbook

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    Hartman's Medical Assiting: The Basics

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    Looking to jumpstart your GPA?

    Most college students believe that straight A's can be achieved only through cramming and painful all-nighters at the library. But Cal Newport knows that real straight-A students don't study harder--they study smarter. A breakthrough approach to acing academic assignments, from quizzes and exams to essays and papers, How to Become a Straight-A Student reveals for the first time the proven study secrets of real straight-A students across the country and weaves them into a simple, practical system that anyone can master.

    You will learn how to:

    - Streamline and maximize your study time
    - Conquer procrastination
    - Absorb the material quickly and effectively
    - Know which reading assignments are critical--and which are not
    - Target the paper topics that wow professors
    - Provide A+ answers on exams
    - Write stellar prose without the agony

    A strategic blueprint for success that promises more free time, more fun, and top-tier results, How to Become a Straight-A Student is the only study guide written by students for students--with the insider knowledge and real-world methods to help you master the college system and rise to the top of the class.



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    INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE, Second Edition, provides a strong foundation in all five major areas of industrial maintenance, including general, mechanical, electrical, welding, and preventive maintenance. In addition to essential information on safety, tools, industrial print reading, and electrical theory, this comprehensive text includes a detailed exploration of modern machinery and equipment to help you understand, diagnose, troubleshoot, and maintain a wide variety of industrial machines. This text has also been thoroughly updated and revised to reflect recent developments in this dynamic, rapidly evolving field, including current piping and fluid power symbols, rigging and mechanical installations, magnetism, transformers, motors and sensors, and industrial communications. With comprehensive, up-to-date coverage and a reader-friendly, modular presentation, INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE is the perfect resource to prepare you for success as an industrial maintenance technician.