Refine the skills needed to become an accomplished professional carpenter with the in-depth coverage and practical applications found in CARPENTRY, Seventh Edition. This bestseller by well-known expert Floyd Vogt presents the intricate system of contemporary light frame building construction using reader-friendly, step-by-step procedures. Content follows the logical path of a residential project, using thorough explanations, easy-to-follow diagrams, and dynamic real-world visuals to explore building plans, sitework and layout, footings and foundations, framing, interior and exterior surfaces, cabinetry, and more. The new edition features essential information on traditional construction, as well as today's latest practices, including contemporary safety tools and techniques, use of alternative construction such as concrete forms, and "green" building techniques. This edition also includes additional emphasis on how techniques apply to commercial drawings and construction. From building layout through finishing with trim carpentry, each section features step-by-step procedures and photo-realistic drawings for key carpentry jobs, along with tips of the trade and insights into today's industry. In addition, a new online MindTap provides interactive learning tools ideal for today's learners, making it even easier for you to prepare for success as a professional carpenter.
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